Quick Facts on Laser Hair Removal

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Getting rid of unsightly and unwanted hair is something that figures high on the wish list of most of us these days. People these days no longer bank solely on traditional hair removal treatments. Those seeking permanent hair removal solutions are resorting to Laser Hair Removal treatments these days.

What is Laser Hair Removal?

Laser hair removal treatments involve applying a ray of light through the skin, in order to get rid of unwanted hair. The ray of light is aimed at the ‘melanin’. For the uninitiated, melanin refers to the dark pigment in hair. The beam then strikes the follicle and uproots it.

Laser hair removal treatments are most effective on dark hair over light skin. A laser hair removal clinic can upgrade the laser to adapt to different kinds of skin and color of hair but it has been observed that laser treatments are not fully effective on light hair, or hair of blonde, white, light brown or red color. It is advisable to experiment with an area of the body while visiting a laser hair removal clinic as some of the older laser machines are not adaptable.

Where To Apply For Hair Removal?

The typical places treated with laser are underarms, legs, upper lip, cheeks and bikini lines. It can be applied on larger areas, requiring more time and money. Laser hair removal treatments call for various sessions.

Some Important Facts About Laser Hair Removal

*Laser hair removal treatments work wonders over light skin and dark hair.
*The patient should be furnished with goggles in order to do away with the risk of accidental exposure to the light beams.
*More than one session is required.
*Hair removal should be avoided for a period of three weeks before a laser session.

Do’s and Don’ts In The Post Treatment Period

*Steer clear of activities that can cause perspiration as this can cause irritation.
*Do not expose your skin to sun for several weeks. Dab sun blocking creams on your skin.
*Do not go for other hair removal methods.

The Way Laser Hair Removal Treatments Work

The laser lets out invisible light that permeates the skin without injuring it and is absorbed by the pigments of the hair follicle. This absorption damages the follicle and ruins its ability to create a hair. The laser light damages the pigments in the hair follicle with heat without harming the surrounding area.

Is Laser Hair Removal Safe?

Laser Hair Removal has proved its efficacy over the years. Since the laser is a medical device it needs to be adapted to the skin of each patient for an effective treatment. There are certain rules and regulations that need to be followed for a safe treatment.